About Us

Board, Officers & Staff

Meet the people who keep the mission society running.

Printable Brochures

A view of Most Holy Mother of God Catholic Church in Vladivostok, showing the new roof and the steeples that were added to the building.  In the background is a section of one of the city's new cable-stayed bridges.

A view of Most Holy Mother of God Catholic Church in Vladivostok, showing the new roof and the steeples that were added to the building. In the background is a section of one of the city’s new cable-stayed bridges.

These brochures describe some of the programs that are donor favorites. They are 2-sided, trifolds that you may print and distribute to your friends or fellow parishioners. And we can customize the “Sister Parish” Brochure to fit your needs.

Grandma Mentor Program
Guardian Angel Program
Hospice Program
Kids 2 Kids
Mission Teams
Seminarian Sponsorship
Sister Parish Program
Women’s Support Centers

History & Background

Below you will find links to pages detailing the history of the Catholic Church in Russia and how we are supporting its revival.

General Information

Religious and Political History of Modern Russia
History of the Catholic Church in Eastern Siberia
Parishes We Have Helped Establish

The Catholic Church in Vladivostok

Timeline: Rebirth of Most Holy Mother of God Parish
Timeline: Restoration of Vladivostok Cathedral
Return of the Crucifix
The Bells from Poland
The Stained Glass Windows
Our Lady of Vladivostok Icon
Our Lady of Fatima Rectory

Martyrs and Sainthood Candidates

Our Sainthood Candidates
Bishop Karol Sliwowsky
Father Jerzy Jerckiewicz
Polish Laymen Executed for Praying the Rosary
Vladivostok Parishioner Preserves Bishop’s Relics