Bequests & Securities


A will is the easiest and most effective means to ensure that your assets are distributed as you wish. Bequests, or gifts by will, both large and small, provide long-term support for the ongoing work of Mary Mother of God Mission Society and the mission in Eastern Russia.

You can leave a specific asset, a percentage of your estate or the remainder of your estate after you have taken care of other beneficiaries. Additionally, you may specify that your bequest be used for the general purposes of the mission or for a particular area of interest. Any bequest provision can be altered during your lifetime to change the legacy you will leave behind. There are several bequest options to consider:

Specific Bequest: Your will may stipulate a specific dollar amount or a specific asset from your estate, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, art, mutual fund shares, etc.

Residuary Bequest: This bequest directs that either all or a percentage of your estate’s residue (i.e. what’s remaining after the other terms of your will have been satisfied) be paid to the Mary Mother of God Mission Society.

Contingent Bequest: This option designates that the Mary Mother of God Mission Society receives all or a portion of your estate dependent upon a specific condition. For example, you might state that the Mary Mother of God Mission Society is to receive the residue of your estate only if you outlive your primary heirs. A contingent bequest protects the estate from litigation or distribution to unintended parties.

Restricted Bequest: You may wish to restrict your bequest for a specific purpose or to support a particular program or area of interest.

Bequests provide you with a number of avenues for charitable giving, though each avenue delivers you to the same destination: a legacy that commemorates your life.

Below are two examples of how a gift by will to the Mary Mother of God Mission Society might be worded. These examples can be adapted to suit your individual needs. Please consult with your estate planner for additional guidance.

“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Mary Mother of God Mission Society, Tax ID# 41-1882587, for its general purposes (or state designated purpose) all (or state fraction or percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real or personal. The Mary Mother of God Mission Society may be contacted in care of the National Coordinator, 1736 Milestone Cir, Modesto CA 95357.”


“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Mary Mother of God Mission Society, Tax ID# 41-1882587, the sum of $_________ to be used for the general purposes (or state designated purpose) of the Foundation. The Mary Mother of God Mission Society may be contacted in care of the National Coordinator, 1736 Milestone Cir, Modesto CA 95357.”

Please note that these are merely suggestions as to content and should be written or adapted by legal counsel to fit the contributor’s individual situation.

For more information regarding bequests or other planned gifts, contact Mrs. Vicky Trevillyan, National Coordinator, 209-408-0728.


Steps for donating Stocks/Bonds/Securities to Mary Mother of God Mission Society

  • Contact Mary Mother of God Mission Society at 209-408-0728 or our account representative at Oakridge Financial, Hugh Dillion 763-923-2239 to receive account information.
  • Contact your stock broker. Let him/her know you wish to donate X number of shares to Mary Mother of God Mission Society. Provide him/her with the Mary Mother of God Mission Society account information.